View Beekse Bergen’s privacy statement

Privacy Statement Beekse Bergen


Beekse Bergen Exploitatie B.V. (“Beekse Bergen:”) and Safari Resort Exploitatie B.V. (“Safari Resort”) are subsidiaries of Libéma Exploitatie B.V. (“Libéma”). Libéma and its affiliated companies, including Beekse Bergen and Safari Resort, attach great importance to the protection of the privacy of their (potential) customers and visitors to the website and other Libéma-related websites ("Websites"). Sometimes it is necessary to collect personal data about you in order to be able to carry out our activities properly. We always do this carefully and in accordance with the law and our internal privacy policy.

In this Privacy Statement, we inform you about the processing of your personal data by Libéma. We describe why we process your data, how we do that and what rights you have (such as your right of inspection and the right to object to the processing of your data). Most of the personal data we collect and use is necessary to carry out our agreement with you. In some cases, we also use your data for marketing purposes.

Controller responsible for processing of data

Libéma Exploitatie B.V. (“Libéma ”), with its registered office at Graafsebaan 133, 5248 NL Rosmalen, The Netherlands, is the controller responsible for the processing of your personal data by all companies affiliated with Libéma. Libéma uses various systems to process your personal data (such as office automation systems, administration systems and website hosting applications). As a result, the suppliers of these systems can also process your personal data on behalf of Libéma. Libéma has made arrangements with these parties so that there are sufficient guarantees for the careful processing of your personal data, in accordance with the law and Libéma's internal privacy policy and this privacy statement.

You can contact Libéma for more information about these suppliers.

When do we process personal data?

Libéma collects your information when selling its products and services (such as e-tickets), when providing its services and during other occasions that Libéma is in contact with you. This includes information such as your name, your address, your e-mail address, your phone number, your date of birth and your bank details. The Websites keep track of general visitor information without identifying the visitors to the Websites.

Why do we process personal data?

Libéma uses this information primarily to provide our services to you and for service purposes. We also use the data to protect our property and employees.

The registration of data via the Websites is aimed at further optimising Libéma's services by, among other things, adjusting the layout of the websites as far as possible to the needs of visitors and by placing more targeted information on the websites.

Libéma also uses personal data to gain insight into the preferences and interests of its (potential) customers and visitors to the websites and to process bookings and e-tickets. Libéma also uses this information for its services and to keep its (potential) customers and website visitors informed of Libéma's activities, products and services and possibly for carrying out market research. In doing so, Libéma does its best to take your interests into account. Data from its (potential) customers and website visitors also helps Libéma to develop new services and products.

Why are we allowed to process data?

Libéma is allowed to use your personal data because this is necessary for:

  • the execution of the agreement with you, such as the use of your contact details and account number when you book with us;

  • compliance with a legal obligation incumbent on Libéma, such as issuing invoices to the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration or cooperating with a request from the competent authorities;
  • the representation of the legitimate interest of Libéma or third parties (to the extent that it exceeds your privacy interest). This legitimate interest is Libéma's interest in being able to offer its products and services to its customers as efficiently as possible;

 In some cases, Libéma may only process your data if you have given permission for this, for example, if we need to process data about your health if you use a particular attraction (such as the Klimpark) or if we use photos in which you are pictured recognisably. You can revoke this permission at any time.

How long do we retain data?

Libéma does not retain data longer than is necessary for the execution of our activities, unless the data is required to be retained for a longer period pursuant to a statutory provision. Most data will be deleted within two years after our business relationship with you has ended.


Libéma uses cookies when offering its services. A cookie a simple small data file that is saved on your computer's hard drive. Libéma uses both temporary cookies and special cookies. Temporary cookies do not contain personal data and are only intended to make the use of the Websites easier for you. Special cookies are used to recognise you when you visit the Websites again. For example, they make sure your settings are remembered, such as your name and your date of birth. 
More information about cookies can be found in Libéma's Cookie Policy.

Newsletters and commercial messages

Libéma wants to keep its (potential) customers and website visitors informed of its products and services. By subscribing to an electronic newsletter by Libéma, you are granting Libéma consent to use your e-mail address to send that newsletter and other information from Libéma such as offers and surveys. 
If you no longer wish to receive information via e-mail, you can unsubscribe via the link listed at the bottom of each electronic newsletter. 

Telephone calls

Libéma reserves the right to record telephone calls. It will use these recordings for internal purposes (training) only. The recordings will not be distributed further or provided to third parties.

Third party websites

On the Websites, it is possible to click to access the websites of other companies, which are not affiliated with Libéma. Libéma is not responsible for the processing of personal data by these other companies. Libéma recommends that you read the privacy policy of these companies carefully, because the terms stated on those websites may differ from Libéma's privacy policy.

Who has access to personal data and to which third parties do we provide data?

Only authorised personnel have access to this data at Libéma.

If partners of Libéma take responsibility for (part of) the processing of personal data, Libéma has agreed with them that they will also ensure the best possible protection of personal data and Libéma will only do so if these third parties use the data in a manner and for a purpose related to the purpose for which they obtained the data, and only in accordance with this privacy statement. Furthermore, there are always the confidentiality obligations and security measures required by law to prevent your personal data from being disclosed to other parties. In some cases, Libéma is also required pursuant to a statutory provision to provide data to third parties. We always look at how your right to privacy can be respected as much as possible. If your data is passed on outside of Europe, for example because a data centre or our supplier is located there, this will only be done under the conditions set by law.

Libéma has made arrangements with these parties so that there are sufficient guarantees for the careful processing of your personal data, in accordance with the law and Libéma's internal privacy policy and this privacy statement.

Rights in connection with the use of data

You may object to the use of your personal data, for example if you believe that the use of your personal data is not necessary for the performance of Libéma’s activities or to comply with a legal obligation.

You have the right to access your personal data. This means that you can request what personal information about you has been registered and for what purposes that information will be used. If you believe that Libéma has incorrect personal information about you, you can have this personal information corrected. You may ask to limit the processing of your personal data, including for the period required to assess your requests or objections.

You may request that your personal data be deleted from the systems or that your personal data be transferred to a third party.

Your request will of course be complied with, unless Libéma has a compelling, justified interest in not deleting the data which outweighs your privacy interest. Once the data has been deleted, for technical reasons not all copies of the data can be deleted immediately from the systems and backup systems. Requests for data may be refused if they are unreasonably frequent, involve unreasonably strenuous technical efforts or have unreasonable technical consequences for the systems or endanger the privacy of others.

You can make your request or objection known by sending an email with your name, address, telephone number and a copy of a valid proof of identity to Do not forget to make your citizen service number unreadable on the copy of the proof of identity before sending it along. You will receive a response within a month.

Filing a complaint

If you have a complaint about the use of your personal data by Libéma, you can contact us at +31 (0)73-5282200 (on work days between 9 am and 5 pm) and via email at

You can also file a complaint about the use of personal data with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

Data security

Libéma does its utmost to protect your personal data from unauthorised use by taking all reasonable and appropriate security measures to protect Libéma and our relationships and employees from unauthorised access or alteration, disclosure or destruction of personal data. Libéma complies with the applicable security standards.

If, despite the security measures in place, there is a security incident that is likely to adversely affect your privacy, you will be informed of the incident as soon as possible. You will also be informed about the measures we have taken to limit the consequences and prevent recurrence in the future.

Contacting us

Do you have questions, comments or complaints about the protection of your personal data by Libéma? If so, please do not hesitate to contact us:

By telephone at +31 (0)73-5282200 on business days between 9 am and 5 pm and/or via email:

Internal policy for use of personal data

The basic principles of our internal privacy policy are:

  • we always tell you what we do with your data;

  • we only use the data for the purpose for which it was collected;
  • we do not collect, use or retain more data than we need to fulfil the purpose for which we received the data;
  • we only collect, use and retain data if there is no other way to fulfil the same purpose;
  • the more privacy-sensitive the data about you is, the less we use it;
  • we only use the data to the extent that there is a legal reason to do so;
  • we take appropriate security measures against loss of or unauthorised access to personal data;
  • we have taken measures to facilitate the exercise of your rights (such as your right of inspection and correction). 


Libéma sometimes amends the privacy statement, for example if there are changes in the law. On our Websites you will find the current version of the privacy statement. If we make substantial amendments, we will provide more conspicuous notice, for example on our website or by e-mail.

Inspecting or changing data

If you want to inspect or correct your data, or want to object to the use of your data by Libéma, please contact us by phone or e-mail. Libéma will then send you an e-mail with the data currently registered with Libéma.